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Aletho news wikipedia

Aletho news wikipedia

aletho news wikipedia

 · History. Founded in February by John Solomon, Just the News is a conservative website that reports political news through podcasts, videos, and textual content. According to their about page, “ is committed to just reporting facts from journalists with a long record of public trust and excellence.” GB News is a free-to-air television and radio news channel in the United Kingdom. The channel is available on Freeview, Freesat, Sky, YouView, Virgin Media and via the 4 January , an audio simulcast of the station has been available on DAB+ radio.. Announced in September and launched in June , the channel was founded with £60 million in News and notes: WMF inks new rules on government-ordered takedowns, blasts Russian feds' censor demands, spends big bucks In the media: Editor given three-year sentence, big RfA makes news, Guy Standing takes it sitting down Special report: "Wikipedia's independence" or "Wikimedia's pile of dosh"? Discussion report: MoS rules on CCP name mulled, XRV axe plea

July 12 « Aletho News

Though the government suspended a Aletho news wikipedia travel vaccine mandate last month, it has insisted on keeping the more controversial ArriveCAN in use. International travelers and returning Canadians have to use the ArriveCAN app to submit their contact and travel information and their COVID vaccination status.

The Conservative Party has called for the removal of the app, which has been blamed for delays at Canadian airports and airlines. Despite the complaints from users and the delays, the Canadian government aletho news wikipedia the use of ArriveCAN until at least September July 12, Posted by aletho Civil LibertiesScience and Pseudo-Science CanadaCOVID VaccineHuman rights 1 Comment, aletho news wikipedia. On the Trish Wood podcastformer CBC reporter Marianne Klowak said the network lost its journalistic integrity in Junewhen COVID vaccines became widely available and mandates were on the horizon.

Klowak described how she wanted to show both sides of the vaccine debate and let viewers decide for themselves. Moreover, at the time, she was finding concerning data coming out of Israel — a country where aletho news wikipedia were available months before most others like Canada — and thought it was newsworthy.

CBC disagreed. According to Klowak, all nuance and skepticism were thrown out the door. The CBC was on team vaccine, and that was that. Klowak said that this was the turning point for the CBC, aletho news wikipedia. She says a group of parents contacted her with vaccine concerns. Moreover, they had vaccine liability questions. The group referenced aletho news wikipedia virologist Byram Bridle from the University of Guelph to show that their concerns were based on science, not mere speculation.

Shocked by the division the vaccine was causing upon families and communities, Klowak pitched the story and was given the go-ahead by her editors. In the course of her research, Klowak came across the Candian COVID Care Alliance — aletho news wikipedia group of medical experts who presented an alternative vaccine perspective supported by scientific insights and data.

The group had a petition calling to suspend vaccines in youth until long-term safety aletho news wikipedia were completed. While none of the data in her draft was questioned by the authorities at the Toronto Health Unit, they attacked the reputation of the COVID Care Alliance. Klowak was subsequently asked by CBC higher-ups to take the COVID Care Alliance out of the story and to include aletho news wikipedia two voices from Toronto Health Unit who supported vaccinating young people instead.

It was a dishonest thing for me to do. It was immoral for me as well. Because not only were we cancelling credible voices, we were violating our own principles of balance and fairness, aletho news wikipedia. And it was moving the story towards the narrative, and not allowing dissenting voices to be heard. Is that the stereotype we are creating that this is the person who is vaccine-hesitant? Here is a brief sample of some of the propaganda articles that the CBC released in the latter half of Do you really think these people are criminals and white supremacists?

Klowak also says she saw videos of the Freedom Convoy that showed the protestors in an entirely better light than what the CBC was reporting. More disturbing, however, Klowak says that while at the CBC, stories about vaccine injuries were rejected, aletho news wikipedia. She pitched the story, but, again, CBC editors wanted to spin the story towards vaccines being a good idea for aletho news wikipedia her age.

In January, Tara Henley also aletho news wikipedia and explained in her substack why she left. To see billionaires amass extraordinary wealth and bureaucrats amass enormous power — with little scrutiny.

July 12, Posted by aletho DeceptionFake News aletho news wikipedia, Mainstream Media, aletho news wikipedia, Warmongering CanadaCBCCOVID Vaccine 1 Comment, aletho news wikipedia.

Is Vladimir Putin preparing to cleanse Russia of Big Pharma shills his entire cabinet? Some seem to think so and there is certainly evidence that some kind of anti-shill crackdown is coming. Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticized foreign drug companies for pushing their products through local medical institutions and via doctors in Russia using their deep-pocketed resources. And they pushed their medicines [on to the Russian market], paying quite a lot of money for it.

They do it in Europe and overseas too. Chikhanchin responded by saying his agency was working with the FSB to root out gratuitous Big Pharma grifting.

First of all: At the very least Putin deserves a golf clap for saying rude things about Big Pharma. No one loses points for doing that. So we salute you, Vladimir Putin. Keep it up. At the same time: talk is cheap. If Putin is sincere about expelling degenerate pill pushers from Russia, how far is he willing to go? All the way, actually. You need to cut the head off the snake. And the snake lives in Moscow. The snake has wrapped its slimly reptile-bod around various federal ministries. The snake is suffocating Russia at the highest levels of government.

It will qualify as a massive fail. All of the Important Russians who partied with Tedros and Big Pharma at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum — straight to the gulag for some desperately needed rehabilitation.

And of course, no Big Pharma smackdown would be complete without frog-marching Madame Arbidol to the most remote Siberian penal colony. As we saw with Sputnik V, Russian drug companies enthusiastically collaborate with western pharmaceuticals to aletho news wikipedia horrific poisons for the masses, aletho news wikipedia. And the Russian government is invested in this gross cooperation — which is slightly discouraging?

Furthermore, the worst medicine-related grifting involves government contracts, aletho news wikipedia. And also: a lot of the pill peddling and unethical contracting is done legally. Putin demanded action against Western pharmaceutical companies that bribe our doctors.

Tsargrad examined the problem and found out that this bribery is most often completely legal. To change the situation, you need to change the laws. The peculiarity of Russia lies in the active participation of the state in the market of medical services, aletho news wikipedia.

It is more profitable to get a big contract and relax aletho news wikipedia to work painstakingly with doctors, although this is not neglected either. So, aletho news wikipedia, for example, at the end ofthe head doctor of the republican oncological dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. A few days before that, the head physician of the Penza Regional Oncology Center received a five-year sentence as did the director of the pharmaceutical company who gave him the bribe, aletho news wikipedia.

There are other precedents, many of them. Go figure. We should add that there are rumors on the Russian interwebz that several high ranking officials are under investigation as part of this alleged Big Pharma crackdown. Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda, aletho news wikipedia. You can subscribe to his Substack hereor follow him on twitter or Telegram, aletho news wikipedia.

July 12, Posted by aletho Corruption Russia Leave a comment. The International Energy Agency IEA and the United State have called upon Asian countries to reduce reliance on Russia and China in terms of both fossil fuels, solar power technology, and aletho news wikipedia minerals needed for electric vehicles and batteries. He explains that dealing with Russia has become an economic imperative at a time of energy crunch given that Moscow is offering discounted oil to a number of countries.

New Delhi continues to import energy from Russia despite the US and Europe urging India to join sweeping anti-Russia sanctions. The disruptions in the supply of crude after the imposition of ban on imports from Russia have given a dramatic boost to energy prices and inflation, echoes Suranjali Tandon, assistant professor at the Delhi-based National Institute of Public Finance and Policy. The cooperation between Russia and Asian countries may be economically prudent.

Moreover, major Asian economies — India and China — are ready to absorb crude supplies from Russia rejected by the West, according to her. According to Tandon, India sets an important precedent for other Asian states by withstanding the US pressure when it comes to energy sanctions against Russia. By doing this, India is defending its internal interests aletho news wikipedia the first place, the professor underscores. She hails the idea that single technology or fuel dependence should be avoided.

This principle could be applied to Russia, China, or Western countries in a similar way. July 12, Posted by aletho EconomicsNuclear PowerRussophobia United States 1 Comment. US President Joe Biden has previously told Americans that they would have to sacrifice their quality of life to prop up Kiev. Back in the US, inflation has reached a year-high and motorists are paying more for gasoline than ever before.

July 12, Posted by aletho Corruption Joe BidenUkraineUnited StatesUSAID 4 Comments. Airport staff refused to stamp the passport of Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa aletho news wikipedia Monday, preventing the soon-to-be ex-president from leaving the country for Dubai, AFP reported. Driven from office by mass protests, Rajapaksa is reportedly looking for other means of escape. Declining to queue with the general public for fear of reprisals, Rajapaksa and his wife spent Monday night at a nearby military base after missing four flights to the United Arab Emirates.

President Rajapaksa announced on Saturday that he would resign this Wednesday, and is immune from arrest until that point. He is believed to be fleeing to avoid the possibility of being detained once his resignation becomes effective.

Officials said that he is considering taking a Sri Lankan Navy vessel to either India or the Maldives, aletho news wikipedia.

Under his leadership, Sri Lanka has been driven to bankruptcy, defaulting on its foreign loan debts in May and introducing fuel rationing earlier this month. Concurrently, tax cuts deprived Sri Lanka of vital revenue needed to import food, aletho news wikipedia, fuel, and medicine.

According to Sri Lankan law, Wickremesinghe will automatically take over as president should Rajapaksa resign as planned on Wednesday, until parliament elects a replacement and an interim all-party government takes over until new elections are called.

July 12, Posted by aletho EconomicsMalthusian Ideology 3 Comments, aletho news wikipedia. The first emergency scenarios have been outlined. In Ludwigshafen, for example, plans are now being aletho news wikipedia to open up halls in which citizens who can no longer afford to heat their apartments, can gather for a bit of heat.

In order to deal with the dire gas shortage, Düsseldorf wants to cut heating in autumn and winter.

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GB News - Wikipedia

aletho news wikipedia

 · History. Founded in February by John Solomon, Just the News is a conservative website that reports political news through podcasts, videos, and textual content. According to their about page, “ is committed to just reporting facts from journalists with a long record of public trust and excellence.” Most Biased News Websites. The Top Ten. 1 CNN The Cable News Network is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner. CNN is a nasty, foolish network. They argue with most of their guests, many of which call them out as a Fake News station  · Aletho News. LA parents can now file for damages from the illegal COVID vaccine mandates July 7, ; Vaccines and Population Control: A Hidden Agenda July 7, ; LOCKDOWN’S LASTING EFFECTS July 7, ; EPA now stuck between a rock and a hard place on CO2 July 7, ; Every third Dutch farm to be closed down or expropriated! July 7,

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